Make paying your property taxes easier by setting up a pre-authorized tax instalment payment plan with Leduc County. This allows you to pay for your property taxes in monthly instalments instead of a lump sum.
Apply for the TIPP program online or fill out the tax instalment payment plan form and submit it by email. On the form, you'll need to include:
You can enrol in this program at any time during the year, as long as all taxes and arrears are paid in full and you have no payments or penalties owing. You are eligible to participate in this program if you have chequing privileges at a financial institution and do not currently pay taxes through a mortgage company.
Payments may only be made by automatic withdrawal from an account with chequing privileges. Leduc County does not charge for this services; however, bank service charges may apply.
To cancel your plan, complete the online cancellation form or download the PDF version and submit it by email. You need to give at least two weeks' notice before your next payment is due when cancelling your payment plan.
If you need to change the banking information associated with your pre-authorized instalment plan, complete the online form or download the PDF version and submit it by email.
Instalment amounts are calculated by taking the total taxes owing and dividing by 12 to establish the monthly payment amount. The instalment amounts are adjusted twice each year, in January and June. The January adjustment reflects the updated assessed value of your property and the June adjustment reflects the updated tax rate, which is set by council in May.