Leduc Transit is an intermunicipal transit system that serves Leduc County and the City of Leduc. It also connects to the Edmonton International Airport and Century Park LRT station in south Edmonton. This is a cost-effective way to travel within the region while reducing traffic congestion.
Leduc County undertook a comprehensive transit needs assessment and feasibility study to better understand how transit could most effectively serve local and regional travel needs. The study included identifying the type of service that could be offered and its frequency, operating model, and economic impact.
Existing transportation needs within the County are very diverse. They include commuters travelling regionally to major employers in Nisku Business Park and at Edmonton International Airport, as well as residents connecting to services, shopping and healthcare in the cities of Leduc and Edmonton from New Sarepta, rural areas of the County, and the municipalities of Calmar, Thorsby, and Warburg.
Supported by transportation specialists Watt Consulting Group, the County's Transit Feasibility Study involved outreach to residents, businesses, stakeholders, and existing transportation providers to determine how transit services could best be delivered in the future to continue to serve local and regional needs in a cost-effective and sustainable way.
The input gathered informed the assessment by identifying areas of success and gaps with our current approach to transit, measuring the overall appetite for transit use in various parts of the County and helping to identify the right level of service for our community.
The service options presented in the assessment provide a roadmap for next steps that could have a benefit to the County either in terms of service provided or costs saved through efficiencies and/or partnerships. These include a variety of options for commuter service enhancements as well as rural transit offerings.
Now that the assessment is complete, the next step for the County is to prepare a budget request for service level changes to existing routes to commence in 2024, and to identify conditions and opportunities to potentially implement rural service.