Edmonton Airports’ Board of Directors is responsible for the stewardship, strategic direction and oversight of the business and affairs of Edmonton Airports. In carrying out these responsibilities, the Board endeavours to maintain and seek continuous improvement in high standards of Board governance. Some of the key governance functions of the Board include adopting and monitoring compliance with an ethics code, reviewing and approving Edmonton Airports’ strategic plan, annual business plan and report on sustainability, Chief Executive Officer (CEO) succession planning, and satisfying itself that management has identified the principal risks of the business and implemented appropriate systems to manage those risks.
Edmonton Airports’ Board of Directors comprises nominees from the City of Edmonton, the City of Leduc, Leduc County, Parkland County, Strathcona County, Sturgeon County, and the Federal Government. Edmonton Airports Board of Directors currently has a vacancy for the Leduc County Representative. This Director appointment will be made by Leduc County Council.
Board Members serve a four (4) year term with possible reappointment for a second four (4) year term.
If you are a resident of Leduc County and are interested in serving on the Edmonton Airports Board of Directors, please submit your resume and cover letter by Sept. 10, 2024, by clicking the button below.
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